pAGG Reviews: What critics are saying about our pAGG

Andrea Metcalf
Best selling fitness author, NBC producer & celebrity fitness expert seen on the NBC Today Show, Better TV and CNN
“As a weight loss expert and best selling author of “Naked Fitness, a 28 Day Proven Weight Loss Solution for a Slimmer, Fitter, Pain-free Body” I have seen many people try to lose weight. Weight loss is one of the biggest challenges for many people. Having an edge to help burn calories and naturally suppress your appetite is key. pAGG is an option that works. As host and executive producer of the reality weight loss show “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is” I saw first hand the results of a client using the pAGG formula and exceeding expectations. Craig successfully lost more the 25% of his total body weight in under three months. Almost 80 pounds in total, he stayed true to a healthy, nutrient rich diet, daily exercise program and supplemented his routine with the pAGG. Seeing his success and happiness after the three month long process was the proof!”
ChicagoMom.Com blogger Turns 45 and Loses 15lbs
“Working NewHealth Solution’s natural and organic supplement in conjunction with Tim Ferris’ “The 4-Hour Body” has helped me shed body fat and given me the energy I needed to stay pumped up during my extended work-out times.”
“I am really glad I jumped right on board. With just under 30 days until I turn 45, 4 supplements a day later, 15 pounds later, I am happy to say I am feeling rejuvenated. With the increase in workout times I didn’t think I’d be saying that I feel energy, but I do!”
pAGG endorsed as part of a Holistic Approach to Weightloss
“You know, there isn’t a silver bullet to help you lose weight. You really do have to take a multi-faceted approach to shed pounds. You need to exercise…you need to eat less…you need to eat nutritionally and you need to supplement with a thermogenic fat burning supplement like pAGG from New Health Solutions.”
“The Right Fat Loss Supplement – pAGG”
“Most of the products on the market are borderline dangerous and should be considered legal meth. This one is safe, effective, and come with a night formula that promotes fat loss while you sleep! I love this PAGG supplement so much that I have my sister, mom, borther in-law, and several friends on it!”
“My latest supplement obsession – The pAGG Stack by NewHealth Solutions!”
“So I hopped on the 4 Hour Body Blog and got savvy on the importance of pAGG supplements to speed up fat loss and discovered this below. I ordered from NewHealth Solutions. So easy, one before each meal. Well folks, I already dropped three pounds this week. Holla!. The pAGG Stack will help you lose body-fat through a variety of mechanisms described below when used as directed.”
What are you waiting for?
The experts have weighed in, you’ve read the testimonials, the next step is to get started. With a money back guarantee you have nothing to lose. Take Your Advantage™ with pAGG.